
No matter! Whether it is spider or varicose veins, all you need is the best treatment for the removal of the veins. The best and recommended method for the elimination of your veins is the sclerotherapy method of treatment. However, this was the first query of the people and now the second which comes to every mind is that - what kind of doctor is a vein specialist?  As many people are not aware of the sclerotherapy treatment and what do you understand by the vein doctor.




So let’s put a glance at the sclerotherapy treatment and more about it. Read here!


What do you understand about the sclerotherapy method of treatment?

The treatment of sclerotherapy is considered as the slightly intrusive process that helps in the treatment of both the varicose and spider veins. Further, this might include the inserting of chemicals, called sclerosing agents, into deteriorated veins.



The method of Sclerotherapy for Varicose and Spider Vein Treatment is very effective and beneficial for the patients. Mostly this is considered the best treatment for the small varicose veins.


Further, the solution which is inserted causes a vein scar, pushing the blood forward into healthier veins. The crumbled vein is affiliated into local tissue and then they gradually fade.


Once the sclerotherapy is done, the cured veins take a few weeks to fade away, and generally, it takes some months to see the entire results. In some cases, various treatments of sclerotherapy are required.


Why is the process of sclerotherapy performed?

The process of sclerotherapy is done for cosmetic reasons that are used to enhance the look of spider and varicose veins. Further, the process of sclerotherapy may improve with the connected signs like burning, aching, night cramps, and swelling. Also, in the case of females, if they are breastfeeding or pregnant, then the vein specialist would suggest waiting for the sclerotherapy done.




Preparation of Sclerotherapy


In the very first place, you need to take a consultation with your healthcare provider. They will help you in ascertaining the process which is correct for you. Further, you will be allowed to do certain these-


  • Avoid using shaving cream or lotion on your legs before it leads to diminishing the irritation.
  • Make sure you state your professional opinion about the other health problems you have before it begins with the process of sclerotherapy.
  • Try to use compression stockings that are needed by you to wear them for multiple days when the process is performed.
  • Prevent the use of various pills, like aspirin and ibuprofen, to diminish the risk of bleeding. While this prescription will influence the use of the blood clotting process.


What are the results of sclerotherapy?

Are you going for the treatment of small spider or varicose veins, then you will anticipate seeing the conclusive results every 3 to 6 weeks. Also, the larger vein needs 3 - 4 months. Hence, various treatments would be required to achieve the results you want.  Veins that respond to the treatment normally do not come back, but at the same time, new veins come.


Further, the specialist will take a proper follow-up plan to visit after the month when the process is done. Also, this will help you in deciding how the process takes place and if you need any more sessions. Normally, you need to wait for at least 6 weeks before going for another session of sclerotherapy.


The method of sclerotherapy is well determined and effective for your varicose and spider veins. Hence, always choose the best sclerotherapy for your vein diseases. Further, if you have any doubt, then do contact us today!


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Are you also suffering from vein disease and looking for a specialist? If yes, then know about the vascular surgeon who will effectively treat your patients. vascular disease treatments depend on various types and seriousness. There is a wide variety of treatments offered by some vascular surgeons at a particular time. But the very first question which comes to people’s minds is that When to see a Vascular Doctor? As there are several reasons to see a vascular surgeon and who is a vascular surgeon. Let’s understand one by one in detail.




What is a vascular surgeon called?

Vascular surgeons are the specialists who diagnose and treat the diseases and ailments related to the vascular system, especially in the network of veins and arteries which leads to transmitting the flow of blood in your body.


Generally, the surgery is performed by vascular surgeons. They give suggestions to their patients in all different ways to cure the vascular issues, involving exercise, diet or medication, and all other changes in lifestyle.

When is it time to see a vascular surgeon?

Mentioned below are some of the symptoms that notify you about the time to see a vascular surgeon. These may include the following-

  1. Swollen or painful veins
  2. Darken the skin of your  legs
  3. Record for the mini-stroke or stroke
  4. When walking or standing there is a pain in your legs
  5. Arms, legs, hands, or feet are swelling and paining
  6. Extremities wounds that will not be healing


It is a pleasing sign of your age or authority. Although, these signs would lead to critical situations.

What are the situations treated by the vascular surgeon?

Several types of treatments are there which are treated by the vascular surgeons-


  • Spider veins - these are the tiny veins inside the skin
  • Carotid artery disease - constrictive of the arteries in your neck
  • Peripheral artery disease - leads to the reduction of the arteries in the legs and arms.
  • After an injury, if any harm is caused to blood vessels
  • Deep vein thrombosis - treats the blood clot in the deep veins which are present inside your body like in your legs.
  • Aneurysm - there is a weak or swollen spot in your arteries
  • Varicose veins - these are twisted and bulging veins that lead to agony in the legs. 
  • Atherosclerosis - this should be cured if the plaque has been grown inside the arteries and would lead to blockage of blood flow.




What are the Reasons to see a vascular doctor?

Your personal or family care physician might suggest you visit a vascular doctor if you have any health issues that include the blood vessels. Many a time, this leads to a sign of vascular issues. For an instance, agony in the legs means that you have a peripheral artery ailment.


Further, people are suffering from a situation such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and the one with smoking, which affects the blood vessels. Also, such a disease will be beneficial when you go to a vascular surgeon for screening.


From the above article, it is clear who are vascular surgeons and what are the reasons to visit a vascular doctor. However, it is highly recommended to see a vein treatment nj clinic to get the best and superior vascular doctor. Further, if you have any query then visit our official website or contact us today!



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Are you planning to treat your spider and varicose veins? If yes, then you must look for a highly qualified vein specialist near me Clifton to have all the procedures done. There are various doctors such as plastic surgeons, vascular surgeons, and phlebologists who usually perform the treatments. The vein doctor Clifton delivers a few types of vein treatments. Not the question is how will you find the best vein doctor who is right for you/ Here are important factors to keep in mind.




4 Main Points To Look For! 

Given below are some of the points which you need to look at or know before having the vein specialist near me Paramus


  1. Research credentials and experience 

In the first place, what you need to do is to research the doctor’s experience and credentials. Always consult a vein doctor near me Clifton who is board-certified and has extensive experience and specialty in curing spider and varicose veins regularly. 


If your specialist has a huge experience in treating your vein treatments or performing the treatments. The superior doctor will always anticipate and prevent complications. 

Also, confirm that the doctor has goodwill in the market and does not have any malpractice claims or disciplinary actions in his/her history.   


  1. Query near you 

The very first thing is to pen down the list of multiple doctors as per their experience and credentials. One should ask around their family, relatives, or friends before selecting among them. If you are not going for any referrals then you must search on google by the types of vein doctor near me Paramus for effective vein treatment. 




  1. Take Doctor’s Interview 

After making a list of vein doctors now it’s time to make a phone call and ask them for a consultation and book an appointment. The patient should interview the doctor. 

  • Ask yourself if you are feeling comfortable or not at the clinic. 
  • Also, see whether the doctor is respecting your feelings or not and answer the questions in a way you understand? 


Furthermore, the patients can ask the following questions from the vein doctor woodland park. 

  • What is the method to prevent any type of risk or complications? 
  • Are you curing patients like me? 
  • Do you have some pictures of after and before treatment which you are doing? 
  • How many appointments should I need to take for vein treatments? 
  • What are the types of vein treatments performed by you? 
  • In case of any emergency at that time you will be there or not? 


  1. Assessing the performance of the hospital 

This is also one of the most important parts while looking for the vein specialist Clifton. It is always good to assess the hospital’s performance because if the goodwill of the hospital is good then it will attract more people to go for it. The team members and staff of the hospital should be highly qualified and experienced so that there will be no chances of any failure or unsuccessful of the procedure. For such reasons, you should always have to look for the hospital where the doctor is performing the treatments. 


Hence, the above-mentioned are some of the points which you need to keep in mind while consulting for a vein specialist woodland park. 


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A common condition characterized by bluish or purple bulging veins is said to be varicose veins. This condition can develop on any part of the body but most commonly it is developed in the legs and feet. Due to the increased pressure of walking and standing, varicose veins occur most often in the lower extremities. Up to 25 percent of American adults at some point in their lives experienced this condition but there is various veins treatment available.


Due to their appearance, spider veins and varicose veins are undesirable. From this condition, the people who are suffering can develop a self-conscious habit of trying to cover or disguise the veins. This is not only a cosmetic issue, however. The veins cause pain and itching for some people and can cause serious problems if left untreated. Varicose veins can 

indicate an increased risk of circulatory disorders in some cases. 


What are the most common initial treatments?


For varicose veins, the most common initial vein treatments include a number of self-help methods. These include dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and the use of compression stockings. Depending upon the severity and discomfort of the condition, additional treatments are available. Most modern techniques do not require a lengthy hospital stay or recovery period because they are minimally invasive. 


Discuss other options with your vein doctor Paramus, before deciding on surgical treatment. Elevating the legs, exercise, wearing compression stockings, weight loss, and avoiding sitting or standing for long periods of time can help prevent the condition or slow its progress. The doctor may recommend more specialized treatments if these methods don’t cause an improvement. 


VNUS Closure Procedure- New method of treatment


For varicose veins, one of the most promising varicose vein treatments is the VNUS Closure Procedure. As compared to several other traditional options, this is a minimally invasive treatment that results in less bruising and less pain. By inserting a catheter into the affected vein and applying heat this procedure is performed, causing the collagen in the vein wall to shrink and close the vein. As soon as the affected vein is sealed the blood will re-route to other healthy veins. 


The procedure is performed through a small incision in the lower leg with the closure treatment. The need for more complicated surgery requiring general anesthesia is eliminated by this. In a doctor’s office under local anesthesia, this procedure is commonly performed. It results in less pain and bruising as well as a much quicker recovery period since this treatment does not require removing the problematic vein or other painful procedures. In a much shorter period of time than with other procedures, this vein treatment allows patients to return to their normal daily routine.  


Why this method is considered effective?


A 97 percent efficacy rate boasts by the VNUS Closure procedure which means it is very effective as well as being gentle on the patient. Making it more cosmetically appealing than treatments requiring invasive surgical techniques and it also results in minimal to no scarring. The other varicose vein treatment Paramus as well as this treatment are generally very effective. Not all treatments are right for every patient, however, it is important to remember. 

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The twisted and swollen veins that appear under the skin are said to be varicose veins. They are most often seen in the legs and they are usually bluish or red in color although they can develop in other parts of the human body. Varicose veins are more often seen in women than men and they are not uncommon. When the valves of your veins which are supposed to keep blood moving up to your heart fail this disorder happens and allow the blood to back down into the vein. This condition is the reason for the swelling of the veins and can be treated with the help of a vein specialist.




Most varicose veins don’t cause much trouble as they are usually negligible but in some individuals, they can cause a lot of serious conditions such as pain and swelling of the affected leg, and blood clots. In different ways, varicose veins can be treated and symptoms of milder conditions can be managed by ensuring proper blood flow especially in the leg area. But if it makes you suffer pain and sores that don’t heal and the condition gets uncontrollably worse then it is time for you to go to your vein doctor NJ to ask for treatment.


What are the various common methods?


Here are some common types of varicose vein treatment near me new jersey that your doctor will possibly recommend:


  1. Ablation-

It is a type of vein treatment in which we use the heat to close off and destroy the vein which vanishes over time.




  1. Laser Therapy-

To make you avoid surgery, laser therapy is usually done on the veins. Mainly there are two types of laser therapy for varicose vein treatment, Endovenous laser treatment which is done to close off larger varicose veins instead of performing surgery to remove them, and for the removal of spider veins, Simple Laser Treatment is applied.


  1. Valve Repair-

In the leg, this is performed through the creation of a small incision to facilitate the repair of the damaged valve.


  1. Sclerotherapy-

It is a varicose vein treatment NJ process in which saltwater is injected into the vein with the use of very fine needles. These treated veins get hardened by the saltwater solution and make it disappear.




  1. Vein Stripping-

On swollen or aching veins, vein ligation or vein stripping is usually performed. In order to facilitate its removal, it is done by creating a surgical cut near the damaged vein. For people who are suffering from medical conditions or poor circulation in the leg area, this veins treatment is not advisable.




To treat varicose veins these are some of the most popular ways. Chances are you will have this disorder too if your family has a history of this. The fault in your veins may have started to develop if you notice that your legs are heavy, feeling full, and sometimes painful.


By observing a few measures such as maintain constant blood flow in your legs, wearing compression stockings, and raising your legs above your heart several times a day to keep the blood in your legs moving up to your heart also you should control or prevent the development of this disorder.


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Individuals don't place adequate importance on their leg's wellness. For few individuals, their legs assist to get them where they want to go, however, besides that, they use any type of sort of shoes that they want, as well as eat any type of kind of food that they desire.




The result is often harmful varicose blood vessels that desire the correct level of vein therapy. To know the requirement for varicose vein treatment nj, it is crucial to understand exactly how these types of capillaries appear. Typically a womanly problem, one of the most apparent factors is maternity. The quick weight gain puts some quantity of pressure on the legs that comprise a blood vessels network that brings blood from as well as to the heart.


The veins start having difficulty accommodating all sorts of blood that comes through, as well as therefore come up swelling past their capacity. If talking about the high heels then they could be wonderful, but they are really impossible to walk in. Even, when you are sitting, verify to simply cross legs at the ankle joints. Something else puts pressure on the capillaries.


What kind of vein therapies you can get?


  1. There are different kinds of vein therapy given by a Vein Specialist. The initial one is sclerotherapy. Primarily it is done for cosmetic reasons. It consists of medical shots, that when done of some week's period crumples the capillary and comes back to its normal, invisible appearance.


  1. The 2nd kind of vein treatment consists of laser therapy. It is finest matched for those people that remain at threat of experiencing a clot or some other circulatory breakdown since the blood vessel's existence. Validate that you talk to your Vein Doctor concerning the details of both procedures.


Besides the legs, various other possible areas that are affected by the troublesome varicose capillaries are the hips and calves. Usually, these kinds of capillaries are inefficient like these capillaries have not any sort of body function and also can be successfully eliminated without creating any kind of sort of damage to the various other body organs. In addition, flow is much better on undertaking a prospering blood vessel therapy. Though, with an online search, you could conveniently locate some vein specialist Paramus that could suggest the reason for such condition in your instance and also can guide you throughout the operation.




How You can reach to a vein center?


Constantly it is not suitable to visit a center for a discussion with a vein doctor near me Clifton or to understand the location of a facility offering such kind of therapy. Nowadays you can get in touch with a laser therapy service provider for varicose veins over the web. About all centers supplying laser capillary treatment and also they have their very own main web sites throughout that you can call them or could fix a conference.


A center provides various approaches for healing such kinds of conditions-- sclerotherapy, laser therapy or a plastic surgery process, and also compression stockings. The laser technique makes use of very intense blasts in case laser light beam into the blood vessels. Normally some sessions of vein treatment are required for the complete abolition of the difficulty. Though, the complete number of sessions can vary according to the level of the leg vein problems.


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To recognize symptoms of venous disorders and problems with the circulatory system vein specialists are trained. By utilizing a variety of diagnostic screenings and tests through a comprehensive exam and evaluation, they can help determine what is causing your symptoms.


Signs when to see a vein specialist


  1. Discolored veins and noticeably raised under your skin

When the color of veins appears as blue, red, or purple lines on your skin, it can be a sign of trouble. Many people consider varicose or spider vein treatment to be purely cosmetic although they can cause complications or be a sign of other venous disorders. To have them checked out is the best option.




In particular, larger varicose veins may lead to dryness, discomfort, or a burning sensation. By their bulging and twisted appearance, almost like a piece of rope or cord under the skin, you will recognize them.


  1. At the end of the day, your legs feel weak or heavy

Standing for an extended period of time should not cause your legs to feel weak, heavy, or tired of most people. Contact a vein specialist NJ to determine if there is a blockage or other problem with the veins in your legs if you notice this happening regularly.


  1. If you are experiencing swelling or pain in one leg and not the other

You may associate inflammation and pain with muscle or joint injuries, sometimes they are an indication of circulatory or vein issues although. It could be a sign of inadequate circulation in that leg and should be checked by a vein specialist near me when you notice swelling, pain, or fluid retention in one leg and not the other.


  1. When you have persistent leg pain

Many different factors are responsible for causing persistent pain. For example, you may have a muscle strain, arthritis, or shin splints. Persistent pain that does not resolve and that does not have an obvious cause could be a sign of trouble with your veins, however.


  1. In an earlier pregnancy stage, you may have experienced vein problems

On the circulatory system, pregnancy can cause a strain. The increased blood pressure causes extra stress on thin walls.  Hemorrhoids are a form of varicose vein that commonly occurs in pregnancy due to these factors in fact.




Talking to someone ahead of time may help you avoid them if you have had venous trouble in an earlier pregnancy. This should be a joyous time in your life after all, not one filled with concern about or discomfort from venous disorders.


  1. There are itchy, dry spots near your ankles or feet

In your legs, any disruption to the circulatory system can cause itchy and dry skin. To get to your extremities blood has to travel so this is most common on the ankles or around your feet. To see if it resolves try using a moisturizing product and avoid soaking your feet in hot water. Contact a vein specialist near me NJ to see if it could be a sign of something more serious, if not.


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Spider vein treatment for removing veins used to be a tedious and difficult process. Millions of people all around the world are affected by this condition. To treat them, traditional surgery was the only option in the past. Without having to employ those older methods, procedures have caught up and offered fresh methods of spider vein removal.


The exact cause of this condition is still not fully understood. It is sometimes genetic or linked with important parts of growth which involve a lot of hormones, like puberty. Obesity can be another reason for spider veins as well as excess sun exposure on light skin or especially on fair skin.


If you want to avoid varicose veins, fixing this condition should be at the top of your priority list. Because this vein condition is often confused with varicose veins which is a much more serious condition that affects larger veins but these two are linked to one another.




The process of vein treatment can become lengthy. Sometimes people with painful spider veins try to mitigate the pain by using ibuprofen, aspirin, and wearing compression socks that help stimulate blood flow but it will not offer a solution. To find an appropriate permanent answer would be the next step. There are a couple of proven methods of permanent spider vein removal.


The first process for spider vein treatment paramus is sclerotherapy. It requires the injection of certain liquid into the affected veins and was created in the 1930s. By initiating a blood clot, this solution irritates the veins and causes them to clump together. Causing the vein to fade away, scar tissue subsequently forms there over a period of time.


Between 80 to 90 percent spider vein treatment near me, the removal success rate has sclerotherapy. To finish the therapy could take weeks to months. The veins that are largely affected can be fairly reluctant to fade necessitating multiple procedures. With only minimal bruising, very temporary pain or little ulcers sclerotherapy doesn’t have any untoward side effects. Smaller groups of tiny red blood vessels appear at the needle insertion site which could need their own therapy to remove if they don’t disappear by themselves on about a third of patients.


Spider vein removal on your face, a pretty common location for those veins to be, is commonly treated with laser vein treatment paramus. For treating these conditions, there are a variety of laser treatments used. By destroying the hemoglobin of the blood and killing the spider vein these will work. Your vein doctor paramus will tell you which treatment is best for you since different skin types require different lasers.




For those seeking spider vein removal, there are a number of options luckily. Despite being an old treatment sclerotherapy is still effective today. But in terms of availability and satisfaction rate, laser treatment has caught up to it. Everyone can discover the method of vein treatment near me paramus that suits them and their budget.


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At regardless, spider veins are not nice to look at where they may be in the body. It can appear on the face but this usually happens on the legs. Fortunately, There 2 effective methods already invented and safely applied for spider vein treatment, they are laser surgery and sclerotherapy


Methods of Spider vein treatment


The 1'st method of spider vein treatment is a laser. Here, the vein doctorwill aim the beam over the spider veins so this will coagulate and shrink. This is very effective when the patient has small and medium-sized spider veins. When the procedure is being performed patients who decide to use laser surgery should know that they will feel a little pain. Despite that, you don't need to be given any local anesthetic, sedative, or pain medication


The 2'nd is called sclerotherapy also known as spider vein injection. In that way, the vein doctor NJwill inject a sclerosing agent into you the affected vein which is designed to make them contract and collapse. This is performed when the patient has medium to large spider veins. It is a painless method which is why anesthesia is not given. Within 15 to 45 minutes it is over.To see its full effect you will have to go back for two or six more sessions. It can only be done by a certified doctor.


In both types, you should expect the spider veins in the skin to get darker and become more visible. This should already start to fade within 2 weeks to a month and a half, so it is slowly improving. 


Cost of Spider vein treatment


Some patients who have small, medium, and large spider veins have to use combination therapy which consists of sclerotherapy and laser which will greatly reduce the cost for spider vein treatment near me. The costs of laser treatment and sclerotherapy are not so much different. 


A session of laser treatment may cost between $300 and $450 per session while sclerotherapy could cost $100-400 per session. But you have to remember that this could go higher depending on the number of veins that have to be treated, the vein doctor near me who is performing the procedure, and where you are having this done. Instead of having this done in the hospital, doctors who have their own clinic can do it right there. 


Which one will be performed on you will depend on the assessment of your doctor. You should see if your insurance provider will be able to cover it, to help with the cost of this procedure. You should know right now that a lot of insurance companies do not accept this expense because their argument is that this is a cosmetic procedure.


The two types of spider vein treatment NJ have differences and similarities.You cannot substitute one with another. This is because one type is designed to help patients who have small to medium spider veins and the other one is to help treat those who have medium to large spider veins. 

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Varicose veins develop when blood vessel walls weaken and create abnormal blood flow. Genetics is the main cause of varicose and spider veins; however, any condition or activity that puts pressure on the veins such as weight gain, sitting or standing for prolonged periods of time, or pregnancy can contribute to their development.


Laser Varicose Vein Surgery Treatment


Laser Vein treatments called EvLT treatments utilize Endovenous Laser Treatment (EvLT) technology. Most health insurance plans cover EvLT treatment and enable men and women of all ages to eliminate throbbing, aching, unsightly veins without conventional leg vein surgery. This treatment requires no lengthy recovery and is a quick and easy process.

Patient satisfaction with EvLT treatments is high. Under local anesthesia, on an outpatient basis, this veins treatment can be performed and has the following advantages:


  1. Excellent aesthetic results
  2. Short procedure time
  3. Little downtime
  4. Minimal discomfort


Q1. What kind of Veins can be treated with EvLT laser treatments?


This is a vein treatment for the Greater Saphenous vein. For the development of most varicose veins, this major superficial vein of the leg when incompetent is responsible. EvLT is an effective alternative to traditional surgical stripping of the Greater Saphenous vein.


Q2. Will all my veins be gone?


Usually most moderate to severe varicose veins are caused by venous reflux of the saphenous veins. A large one and a smaller one these two saphenous veins you have in each leg. When blood flows backward towards your feet instead of towards your heart,  where it is supposed to flow is known as Venous reflux. Raising the pressure, pooling blood in your lower extremities, and making the vein bulge out and distend are the results of this condition. Venous reflux is a medical condition that can result in pain, swelling, and open ulcers in the legs as well as tired and "heavy" feeling legs. 


Q3. Who is a candidate for Laser Vein Treatments?


Providing you are a candidate for varicose vein treatment, the medical technician will arrange for a completely non-invasive mapping ultrasound which will be performed in an office. The ultrasound will show the affected saphenous veins and provide a ''map' for the physician on the day of treatment.


Q4. Does Insurance cover EvLT?


Most health insurance plans cover the cost of the ultrasound mapping appointment and a large percentage of the cost of the endovenous laser vein treatments clifton needed. On your health care policy, the amount of coverage depends. For cosmetic refinement, insurance will not cover any fees associated with sclerotherapy. To make sure you are pre-approved, you may need to speak to your insurance company.  


Q5. What happens after treatment?


You will be able to return to your normal routine after having varicose vein treatment clifton. Walking is encouraged for the next 3 - 4 days. You may experience some bruising and feeling of tightness and your treated leg may feel slightly tender. Daytime compression hoses are recommended for two weeks. There is minimal to no downtime with no large scars. 

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